
InkZone Loop MAN Roland

InkZone Loop MAN Roland

InkZone Loop MAN Roland: Online printing

Volldigitale Anbindung für Offset. Schließen des Farbregelkreislaufs durch Verbindung zu externem Densitometer.
Einmessen der Analysedaten und gleichzeitige Korrektur der Einstellwerte der Zonen in der Druckmaschine.
Für MAN Roland.
Plattform hierfür sind InkZone Perfect (online) und DI-Plot SW.

The launch of InkZone Loop puts a manufacturer-independent online solution for digital control of offset presses onto the market for the first time ever. Supported by measurement technology, InkZone Loop enables the automatic measurement and evaluation of control strips, as well as the continuous transmission of computed correction values directly to the printing machine. InkZone Loop is based on tried-and-tested IZ Card, IZ Tape, IZ Strip and IZ Perfect preset solutions.

InkZone Loop supports measuring systems from a wide range of manufacturers. Density values on the sheet containing the printing control strip are measured in a matter of seconds, and can be visualized in IZ Loop.
Using saved data, the printer immediately recognizes the ink zone where the color is wrong. In addition to density, InkZone Loop evaluates other factors like dot gain, slur, etc.

Naturally, as well as functioning with CMYK, InkZone Loop supports any spot color. All these functions combine several production steps that so far have mostly been carried out manually. InkZone Loop thus comes with a huge increase in efficiency. Streamlined sequences are extremely important, especially at a time when print runs are shrinking.
InkZone Loop generates a record of the measured color data and thus assists with repeat runs. Naturally, the record also aids compliance with international quality standards.

...and regulate
By comparing actual measured values with reference data, IZ Loop computes correction values for the printing machine. Transmission of the data to the console can be via IZ Card, IZ Strip, IZ Tape, or IZ Perfect. If necessary, the operator checks the preset values and, at the press of a key, releases them to the printing machine. The effect is clear: a huge reduction in workload, higher quality, and a stable production run.

Preset & proof
The preset products IZ Card, IZ Strip, IZ Tape and IZ Perfect are extremely important if IZ Loop is to be used successfully. The better the preset, the more efficient the closed loop! While InkZone solutions secure the connection to the printing machine, the DI-Plot software package looks after the transfer of prepress data. DI-Plot reads both CIP3/4 and proprietary bitmap formats from almost all prepress workflows and passes the computed ink zone values on to InkZone for digital presetting of the printing machine.
At the same time, DI-Plot can produce accurate form proofs from the ripped bitmap data of almost all workflow systems.

Ready for the print run in record time
The combination of control, measurement technology and workflow interface is unique. With InkZone Loop, the printing house saves time and cuts down on waste. Reference values are attained faster, and it’s easier to keep them within narrow limits. InkZone Loop enables set-ups in record time, even with offset machines from the previous millennium. It’s the perfect way to protect investments in existing installations. InkZone Loop – the latest update for your offset printing machine!

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